The open road g,ghas always been my friend. It represents endless possibilities.

Hi, I’m Darryl, aka “the Globetrotting Grandpa”.  I had some great travel adventures in my twenties, then it all went south. I succumbed to the corporate world and neglected my dreams.

“Tis not to late to seek a newer world” this is a line from my favorite poem “Ulysses” by Alfred Lord Tennyson. Time burnishes and wears us down. Our bodies become tired our dreams get lost. Many of us have fantasized of seeing the world, but the cares of family, work, and “just getting by” have caused us to bury our dreams. I know I did. In my twenties, I went to 18 countries on only 1500 dollars. I was gone for almost 10 months. It was the happiest time of my life. I returned home to be told it was now time to ‘get on with my life’. I tried, but nothing equaled the joy I felt on the open road. I found a job and tried to make a life, but a big part of my heart died. Years sped by. and I got lost.
After turning fifty, and the passing of some dear family and friends, I have become aware of just how little time was left. I have to “rage against the dying of the light”. There’s still so much of the world left to see and I want to see it.

While there’s still time I want to reignite those dreams. I  have found ways for those of us over forty to see the world and not bust the bank.  If that sounds like you,  then come with me. Let’s have some life changing adventures together.pexels-photo-490466.jpeg